M.F.A - educator -researcher - choreographer - performer
Gabriel Mata Movement
pronounced: gah-bryehl mah-tah
As an artist, choreographer, and performer, I focus on revealing and removing the facade that choreography instills on dance. I use talking dances to expose the artist and person along with silenced realities and current unrest. As a choreographer, I focus on creating engaging work that is humanistic. In performance, my work is a form of protest and exposure to the treatment of artist and people. With a modern vision and my own experiences, I aim to create dances that takes risk to the audience, breaks down expectations, speaks truthfully, is relatable, and humanistic. This is a movement, a movement to expose narratives that have been neglected and unrecognized. This is a movement to create art that moves with present time, incorporating bodies into the space, giving them the space and time that is their born right; even when told other wise by the dominant culture.